Sunday, April 3, 2011

Acting like I'm gonna run away......

Lazy lazy day. Baby Girl is letting me sleep a bit more at night, but it's not really helping. Kinda like the more I sleep the more tired I feel. Did I ever actually wake up today? Your guess is as good as mine. Anyway, it is getting easier around here. Baby Girl now knows her mommy's voice, reacts to movement/light/sound, holds her head up, makes cute noises.....ya know, all the normal things babies do, including flashing a smile which leaves no heart unmolested.

I've had this record ready to go for a long while but for some reason never got around to it. Funny thing is, I haven't bought a Lula Reed record in a couple of years. They just seemed to be around when I first started collecting 45s. And cheap too. Lately, some of them aren't so cheap. I've been offered the equivalent of $80 in trade for my copy of "What Makes You So Cold". I know I didn't pay more than $5 for it. Probably more like $3.

This one ain't worth all that much, but it's good and perfectly suits a day like today.

Hope ya'll enjoy...


  1. Can't wait to hear that that your daughter has started to recognize Billy Gayles's voice! Have a lovely nap whenever.

  2. Excellent song!
    Only a handful of Lula Reed's work can be found, spread out over nearly as many compilations, in my collection. "Watch Dog" is not among them. This is the first time i've heard it and I'm greatly enjoying it. Thank you!
    Also, I wish you regular and restorative rest periods.

  3. i am feeling the exact same way this morning... i've got a 2 week old baby boy. the nights and days blend as my wife and i conform our sleep to his. but it's an amazing experience, isn't it?

    anyhoo -- thanks for the post!

  4. Thanks again for the great misc Ana.

    I recently discovered that the ARSC conference recordings are now available online. The 2010 conference has a number of lectures and a great panel discussion that I think would be of great interest to you and to readers of this blog.

  5. I really like the new design! And thanks for all the great tunes!

  6. husband is adamant that she learn Johnny Cash's voice first. As much as I enjoy imagining her as mini-me, I'm also terrified it might turn out to be true.

    Jem...Glad you like the tune.

    Jamison...just keep in mind that it does get easier. My daughter's right at seven weeks and is starting to show some real personality. That's the fun part.

    Bobb....thanks for the link. I've only listened to the first panel so far, but it was a hoot. I love those guys.

    Mpr...thanks for the feedback on the redesign.
