Monday, June 21, 2010

Praise Him with stringed instruments....

One of the more stupid things I do is second guess my choices for the blog. Ya see, I really have no idea what other folks have heard or seen before. Thus I often find myself holding back on stuff I think is amazing because I figure everyone else in the world already knows about it.....when in fact, that's not always true.

Anyway, I first saw this clip about a year ago, but when I watched it again yesterday I noticed that it only had 8 thousand views....which confuses me, because doesn't everyone obsessively search you tube for new House Of God/Sacred Steel videos????

This is the best of it's type I've seen...the real thing. The sound isn't too bad if you turn it way up...and believe me, you DO want to turn it up. By the time Elder Aubrey Ghent starts to shred on the pedal steel at about three minutes in, you'll know why.


  1. I guess that's Rev. Bell in the coffin then? They sure sent her off right! Thanks for sharing that, it was a barnburner!

  2. No... I for one I had never seen this. But all I can say is WOWsville! Slide Brother Ghent, slide!!!

  3. Yep that's Rev. Bell's coffin. As the title says, it's her Homegoing.

    I'm not 100% up on this but I believe this is a Keith Dominion/House of God service. Aubrey Ghent is one of the masters of this style. As I recall, Jewell Dominion pedal steel players usually play slower.

